Follow the links below to download some of our recent reports. A complete repository for all reports submitted to the Government of Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Agriculture can be found here.
ADOPT 20190430 Oat Pea Intercrop Demonstration
ADOPT 20180548 Demonstration of methods to control flea beetles in a non-neonic environment
ADOPT 20180501 Do pea types differ in suitability for intercropping with canola?
ADOPT 20180454 Dry Bean Inoculation and Fertilizer Strategies for Solid Seeded Production
ADOPT 20170435 Weed control in dryland narrow-row dry bean production
ADOPT 20170418 Managing Fertilizer use to Optimize Yield and Quality of Oat
ADOPT 20160474 Demonstrating intercrop of pea and Clearfield canola
ADOPT 20160471 Demonstrating 4R Nitrogen Principles in Canola
ADOPT 20160333 Underseeding clovers into fall rye in the spring
ADOPT 20150470 Intercropping Brassica carinata with various pulse crops
ADOPT 20150467 Field Peas – Improving yields with various pre-seed burn-off treatments
ADOPT 20150457 Flax Fungicide Demonstration
ADOPT 20150455 Demonstration of heirloom dry bean types
ADOPT 20150454 Evaluation of intercropped RR corn and soybean for grain and forage
ADOPT 20150452 Evaluation of annual forage options for early and late spring planting
ADOPT 20140445 Demonstration of forage peas in mixture with cereals for greenfeed production
ADOPT 20140307 Nitrogen response of fall rye varieties
ADOPT 20130319 Timing of Bio-Fungicide Application for Sclerotinia Control
ADOPT 20120424 Demonstrating Foliar Fungicide Options for Canola
ADOPT 20120315 Timing of burnoff application for perennial and biennial grassy weed control